Cara VR 2.0 for Nuke released
Global Warp in Cara VR 2.0
Updated stitching tools

The new GlobalWarp node speeds up delivery of stitches while producing a higher quality 360 stitch with minimal ghosting. GlobalWarp adds additional controls for lining up key features in overlapping areas and allows you to add constraints to reduce warping on known straight lines in the rectilinear input images, even for objects overlapping multiple camera views.

Tracker in Cara VR 2.0

360 match-move and stabilisation

Cara VR’s Tracker node has been redesigned to simplify and accelerate the process of stabilisation and match-moving for a more comfortable VR experience and easier alignment of 3D elements. The new Tracker adds automatic tracking and stabilization to your 360 stitch. You can then use the existing user track workflows to refine the track and lock stabilisation to particular regions.

Stereo Colour Matcher in Cara VR 2.0

Ocula tools for stereo corrections

Cara VR 2.0 includes a suite of tools adapted from the powerful Ocula toolset which take the headache out of stereo cleanup, especially in footage with color, focus and alignment inconsistencies between views. This release includes updated versions of the Disparity Generator node, which generates high quality disparity vectors for depth estimation, Disparity To Depth for calculating depth from the disparity vectors, a new Stereo Colour Matcher for unifying color between left and right views, and New View, allowing you to rebuild one view from another, all optimized for use with 360 footage.