Bforartists 1.0 выпущен
Bforartists (Be for Artists) 1.0 был выпущен.
Проект нацелен на то, чтобы сделать Blender более удобным для пользователей благодаря усовершенствованному и обновленному UX. По словам разработчиков, основные различия между Blender и bforartists заключаются в следующем:
- A brand new Keymap with Left Click select, which is reduced to just the necessary hotkeys.
- Cleaned up User Interface. More than 600 not necessary double menu entries removed.
- Extended User Interface. Close to 100 formerly hotkey only tools have a menu entry now.
- Rearranged User Interface. Some things are better accessible now, some are not so much in the way anymore.
- Over 700 new native icons.
- The posibility to have pure icon Buttons in more than one area, to reduce the scrolling and speed up work. In the tool shelf for example.
- A user configurable Toolbar with icon buttons.
- Improved Layouts.
- Improved Tooltips.
- Better readable standard theme.
- Some new addons to improve usability, like the reset 3D View addon or the Important Hotkey addon.
Extended material library. - Documentation is PDF based and fully text searchable
- Many more small details.
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