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    Использование скаттера GraphN

    Компания Polygon Flow выпустила урок в котором показывает к

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    Выпущен Corel Painter 2019.

    New features in Corel’s natural media painting software include: Новые возможности

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    ZBrush Turntabler, Keyshot Scale Sender и IMM Draw size — уроки.

    Pixologic выпустил туторы для 3 плагинов ZBrush: Turntabler, который

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    Krita 4.0 released

    Последняя версия программного обеспечения для рисова

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    19 Фев
    Motiva Unknit tests demonstrate automatic unwrapping

    Ух ты! Motiva опубликовала несколько примеров моделей UV Unw

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    VLC 3.0 released bringing support for 8k and 360° video

    New features in VideoLAN’s open source media player include: default hardware decoding  for 4K an

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    06 Фев
    World Machine 3019 released

    A new build of World Machine The procedural terrain creation software, is now available. Version 301

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    31 Янв
    Godot 3.0 released

    The Godot team has announced the release of Godot 3.0, its open source real-time engine.  Features

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    3DEqualizer4 R5 announced

    Science.D.Visions has announced a new version of its matchmoving software. Highlights include an up

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    15 Янв
    FJTools for ZBrush released

    Florian Jonas has released FJTools, a collection of handy scripts to extend ZBrush. Features include

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