Plugin Update: Bookmanager v2.0 from model+model
Changes for v2.0 are:
— New user friendly UI design
- — Shelf dummies are now generated after adding polygons or instantly in array
- — Adds the ability to set shelf dimensions in viewport by moving vertices of dummies splines
- — New ‘Test my books’ option to check if 3D book models have proper pivot orientations
- — Adds a sample 3D book model to the package to help understand book pivot orientation
- — Adds a books rotation option to define books XY orientation on shelf polygons
- — Adds pre-saved presets for quick start and the ability to create your own
- — Adds a ‘Generate random’ preset to test your luck
- — New ‘Exclude from clone object color’ option to define books that should be placed once only
- — Adds an option to quickly remove all or selected books added to Bm
- — Adds an option to quickly remove all shelves added to Bm
- — The quantity of added books and shelves is now shown in the UI
- — Adds check buttons for Leaning, Horizontal, Flipped books and Books series to turn them on/off
- — Adds ? buttons for every rollout to open help for the section
- — Adds protection against adding polygons with normals turned downward
- — Adds Edit poly modifier support
- — Adds support for Max 2018
- — Adding books and polygons to Bm is now more intuitive
- — The Min fill(%) and Max fill(%) options have been changed to Quantity(%) and Random(%)
- — The Cancel button now closes Bm and removes everything and the X button clears generated books
- — The Min/Max shelves slider has been changed to Shelves number(%)
- — The Help documentation was moved from the package to the website
- — Books are now generated in portions: shelf after shelf
- — The name field was removed from the UI
- — Fixes Bm from creating an unlimited number of books and freezing Max under certain conditions
- — Fixes the same polygon being added several times
- — Fixes a Max 2017-2018 error if the Max command panel is undocked
Bookmanager is available for Max 2010 to 2018 and costs $25 (individual license) and $40 (corporate license). A demo version is available here.
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