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    Bender EEVEE древесное существо тест.

    Даниэль Бистедт (Daniel Bystedt) опубликовал видеоролик, в ко

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    03 Июн
    Выпущен The Grove версия 6 для Blender

    New features in F12 visuals’ tree creation add-on for Blender include: The ability to easily add t

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    15 Май
    LuxCoreRenderer 2.0 выпущена

    Версия 2.0 LuxCoreRenderer выпущена. Ранее называемая LuxRenderer, но

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    Bforartists 1.0 выпущен

    Bforartists (Be for Artists) 1.0 был выпущен. Проект нацелен на то, чт

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    Blender 2.8 armature улучшение отображения

    Команда, работающая над Blender Code Quest, выпустила видео-пре

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    11 Мар
    Verge3D 2.0 for Blender Released

    Meet the first major update of Verge3D for Blender which offers many new features including those i

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    Ton Roosendaal on the future of Blender

    Blender Guru has published a lengthy interview with Ton Roosendaal, the original creator of Blende

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    04 Янв
    Blender 2018 features preview

    Blender 2018 features preview The Blender Foundation has published an article highlighting some of t

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    07 Дек
    Blender to Headus UV Layout bridge

    Titus has released a bridge tool to automate the transfer of objects between Blender and UVLayout,

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    10 Ноя
    Create rig controls with the new Blender addon RigUI

    Christophe Seux has announced RigUI, a new addon for Blender that simplifies to process of creatin

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