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    11 Ноя
    OLM release new toon style Blur, Radial Blur and Directional Blur plugins for After Effects

    OLM выпустила 3 новых плагина для After Effects, которые создаю

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    03 Ноя
    MeshBoolean brings parametric booleans to Cinema 4D

    The Great Summit has released a new MeshBoolean plugin for Cinema 4D. It features a fully parametric

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    31 Окт
    Anima’s Halloween tutorial demonstrates how to use custom characters

    AXYZ Design has released a Halloween themed tutorial in which they explain how to use Mixamo to add

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    24 Окт
    Corona Renderer 1.7 for 3ds Max Released!

    With great pleasure, we announce the release of Corona Renderer 1.7 for Autodesk 3ds Max! In this re

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    19 Окт
    AE Transfer

    AE Transfer is the script that allows you to easily export objects and its parameters to Adobe After

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    16 Окт
    Creating environments with Megascans and Redshift

    Quixel has released two new tutorials by Darryl Johnson about using Megascans with Redshift in 3DS

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