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    28 Мар
    Know Your Devs – Ondra Karlik

    С Corona Renderer вы не просто получаете программное обеспече

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    St Louis TV – The Making Of “On My Way”

    St-Louis Post House, based in Paris, France, created the music video for Grand Yellow’s “On My W

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    31 Окт
    IAMSTATIC – peeling paint, sailing ships, and alien worlds!

    IAMSTATIC is  a Toronto-based studio who direct, design and produce award-winning projects for film

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    24 Авг
    Anri Ford on using Substance Painter with Corona Renderer

    Andrey, better known online as Anri_Ford, is a master at creating automotive renders that stand out

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    15 Авг
    Orangegraphics – a company profile

    Orangegraphics are a creative studio based in Zabrze, Poland. Founded in 2009, they specialize in fo

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    25 Июл
    VFX for the movie “Monkey Talks”

    “El-Qird Beyitkallem” (translated as “Monkey Talks”) is an Egyptian movie released in Januar

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    11 Июл
    Valentinstudio – a company profile

    Valentinstudio are a 3D design agency based in Lyon, France, who focus on creating upscale 3D visua

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