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    04 Дек
    Создание архитектурного киноискусства.

    Arqui9 Visualisation выпустил урок о том, как добавить тонкую ан

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    01 Апр
    Biped Mass Markers

    Biped Mass Markers Version:1.0 Date Updated:04/01/2018 Author Name: Lorne Brooks A tool for visualis

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    St Louis TV – The Making Of “On My Way”

    St-Louis Post House, based in Paris, France, created the music video for Grand Yellow’s “On My W

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    Face Pose Saver

    Script Face Pose Saver Script Face Pose Saver Version: v.03 Date Updated: 11/29/2017 A 3ds Max scrip

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    Rigging Mechanical Objects in 3DS Max

    Autodesk has released a recording of training from Autodesk University 2017 in which George Maestr

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    03 Ноя
    EISKO release free human head rig

    EISKO release free human head rig To preview its new rig, digital double specialist Eisko has made

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    31 Окт
    IAMSTATIC – peeling paint, sailing ships, and alien worlds!

    IAMSTATIC is  a Toronto-based studio who direct, design and produce award-winning projects for film

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