X-Particles 4 now available
Insydium has released X-Particles 4 its particle system plugin for Cinema 4D. New features include:
- ExplosiaFX smoke and simulation software. This tool was acquired last year by Insydium is now integrated into the latest X Particles for creating smoke, fire and explosive simulations.
- A new particle based dynamic liquid solver to quickly create small scale fluid simulations.
- A new hybrid SPH solver xpFluidFX for medium to large scale fluid simulations.
- XpVertexMap Maker adds four modes to manipulate the vertex weight, including vertex speed, texture, X-Particles/object vertices and xpExplosiaFX.
- Support for the OpenVDB frame work for particle meshing, including the ability to be used as a remesher for polygon objects.
- A new xpCloth Dynamics system introducing cloth simulations to the X-Particles workflow.
- XpSplineFlow adds the ability to direct the flow of particles along a Spline.
- Cell packing and circle packing emitters.
- A new velocity field generator to create custom velocity field effects, drive particles with Splines, or Object Tangents or Normals, and even use the Cinema 4D noises to art direct custom turbulence.
X-Particles costs £540. Find out more on the Insydium website.
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